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Holden at 3 months


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Please visit these other web sites about Hoden too

Holden's Hope Foundation- a foundation established in memory of Holden that will provide comfort care to children suffering from critical care illness. 


Holden's School Page

Holden's Memorial Page

Holden My Insporation


My Son, My Love, My Inspiration ~ The Life of Holden

Holden's Virtual Memorial Page

The Story of Holden

Cardiac Kids ~~ Holden's Story

In Memory of The Children

Holden's memorial page on Dearly Departed

and made in memory of Holden this absolutely beautiful page,

Thanks so Much Val Mellowstar!

Angel Blessings

I'ts hard sometimes.
Knowing †he \/\t,
but not always knowing †he \/\/hy


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Holden getting ready to go home for the first time ever at 12 days old. He was only home less then 1 week and then re-admitted again. He almost lived at the hospital his first year of life. 

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Holden being held by Cheryl 12 days after his open heart surgery, Cheryl was Holden's NICU nurse. Holden was 7 and a half months old.


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Holden's first time breathing all alone with no oxygen.

4 days old.


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Holden 3 months before he went to heaven. Shantell gave him the Woody doll for Christmas, it was his favorite toy and we buried him with it. I show this picture to show how healthy Holden looks. We had absolutely no idea what was going to happen, nor did his doctors. Holden was doing great, he looked great, he was growing, learning, and developing like any normal little boy. 


God Sent to Me an Angel
God Sent me an angel, it had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered,
"How could God do such a thing?"
When I asked the Father
why He sent this child to me,
the answer was forthcoming,
He said "Listen and you'll see."
"My children are all precious,
and none is like the rest.
Each one to me is special,
and the least is as the best.
I send each one from Heaven
and I place it in the care
of those who know my mercy,
and those with love to spare.
Sometimes I take them back again.
Sometimes I let them stay.
No matter what may happen
I am never far away.
So if you find an angel
and you don't know what to do,
remember, I am with you,
love is all I ask of you."

Holden Mykel Ramos

3-28-91 ~~ 3-19-96


Holden was born with a rare and serious birth defect called Transposition of the Great Vessels. It is a co-trunctual congenital cardiac condition. Although Holden had an extremely fast heart rate at 4 months gestation, resulting in a specialized ultra sound of his heart, the Holden new.jpg (204416 bytes)University of Utah hospital negligently missed his condition, even though he was born with the major arteries on the sides of his heart instead of on the top where they are supposed to be.  After Holden was born, he took one breath and wouldn't breathe anymore without the aid of a respirator. Holden was then life flighted to the University of Utah, where a cardiac catheterization diagnosed Transposition of the Great Vessels, Pactus Ductus Arthscolerious and a Ventricular Septal Defect. Holden had a balloon septostomy the night he was born, which although he lost 3 pints of blood, this operation permitted him to be alive until he had his open-heart surgery at the age of 7 months. During the first year of Holden's life, he was constantly being admitted to Primary Children's Hospital for oxygenation problems, RSV, and then his Mustard Repair. Because of his arteries being in an anatomically incorrect position, the cardiac thoracic surgeon, Dr. Edwin McGough couldn't do the newer Switch operation that would have in essence "corrected" his heart. Dr. McGough accidentally paralyzed Holden's right diaphragm during his surgery; he doesn't recall getting close to the Holden icu.jpg (177162 bytes) phlenic nerve, but he did. From research we knew that there would be some complications eventually from the Mustard Repair, but it happened a lot sooner then we anticipated. On average, a child with the Mustard repair will develop Atrial Flutter from 3 to 6 years after the surgery, Holden developed the arrhythmia   within the first three months post-op, resulting in his being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and being cardioverted until he was in sinus rhythm again. 

Holden was cardioverted three times. The third time we were going to play in the backyard, I was holding Holden's hand, I let go of it at the last step to lock the gate, and I turned around and Holden had fallen down, cut his little chin, and was screaming inconsolably. I put his monitor on him and when I did Holden was in an atrial flutter. This time, the doctor’s defibrillated him three times, but he never did go into sinus rhythm.  Holden's Holden 3 months.jpg (210661 bytes)heart stopped for 4 minutes before they could get it beating again on the last attempt so they allowed him to rest, and in the mean time the meds in the IV caused his heart to beat regular again. Holden was 27 months old, and it was the last time he was ever sick. On March 19th, 1996, Holden was outside playing in the back yard, when I called him inside to have a time out for calling his friend Corbin a baby, and I looked and he was down, on the floor, dead in the blink of an eye. Holden died suddenly, and unexpectedly, only 2 weeks after having a complete cardiac exam, including a EKG, EEG, Chest X-ray, blood work, Ultra Sound & 24 hour Holster monitor; everything showing he was in excellent cardiac health. Holden went into a ventricular arrhythmia called Ventricular Fibrillation, or V-Fib for short and it he died instantly. It was a surprising and horrendous event that occurs in only 0.04% of children who have had the Mustard Repair.  Holden would have been 5 in only nine days had he not died.

  Please visit these other pages about the Celebration of Holden's life to learn about the life of this remarkable, brave and wonderful little boy, and also visit his touching

Holden will ALWAYS and forever be the Sun in our families’ solar system!!  


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What is the Mustard Repair?

Mustard Repair Outcomes for Children with TGA

Congenital heart defects are relatively common: about 0.7% of all infants are born with a more or less severe cardiac defect. However, only some of these infants receive cardiac diagnosis during the newborn period, and still fewer get a specific diagnosis.



"The Child First and Always"


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This is the philosophy that inspires and motivates physicians, staff and volunteers who care for children at  Primary Children's Hospital

Holden's Cardiologist Dr. Victoria Judd


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A Letter From Dr. Judd to Dr. Metcalf

Dear Dr. Metcalf,

I am sorry to inform you of the death of your patient, Holden Ramos. This young man, as you know, had transposition of the great vessels and underwent a Mustard procedure in infancy. He has had a difficult course, although over the last year and a half, he has had a relatively benign course. He has not had any significant rhythm problems. He has predominately been in sinus rhythm. His heart size on chest x-ray has been normal. His yearly ultra-sound showed that he has not had any significant AV valve regurgitation, and has had good right ventricle function. We had been letting him out grow his procainamide dosage in light of recent data suggesting it may not always be helpful.

I saw him at the end of February, his examination was unchanged. His mother states on the day that he died, on March 19, he actually had a reasonable day. She questioned whether or not he had a fever that morning but sent him to school, apparently he did well at school. The day before he had fallen on the trampoline and hit his head. That afternoon, he had apparently eaten dinner well and was outside playing on the trampoline. He apparently pushed the neighbor boy and then mother told him to come in for a time out. She was working in the kitchen and the next thing she knew he was on the floor. She yelled to her other two children who came in and started CPR. Then they ran over to the neighbor who apparently was a paramedic and had his bag with him.

The EMT personal arrived to find him in ventricular fibrillation. Life flight was called in and arrived, and found ventricular fibrillation also. He was defibrillated numerous times. he received several doses of epinephrine, including high dose epinephrine. they were able to provide paced rhythm for only a brief period of time. He then rapidly degenerated back into a ventricular arrhythmia. He was then transported to Primary Children's Hospital.

Despite advanced life support, we were unable to resuscitate this young man. I suppose if I had to presume what happened to this young man, I would have to guess it was a ventricular arrhythmia. Ventricular arrhythmia is an extremely uncommon pediatric rhythm abnormality, even in an arrest situation. Usually one needs ongoing myocardial dysfunction or abnormal cardiac status to have this rhythm present. I suspect he had VF and died shortly after his VF was initiated.

His brother and sister, who attempted CPR feel quite bad that they were not able to revive him. I tried to explain to them that no matter what anyone would have done, even if he had died in the hospital, he still would have had the same outcome. I am sorry that we lost this young man. He was a delightful young man. He had a very dedicated family, including an extremely dedicated mother. I think this will be an intense loss for this family.
Sincerely yours,
Victoria E. Judd, M.D., F.A.C.C.
Pediatric Cardiology


Here are some links with information regarding

Congenital Cardiac Conditions.


Congenital Cardiology Resources

Healing Your Child's Heart The Univ. of Chicago

Pediatric Hearts Cardiac Kids

Pediatric Cardiology, The Heart Institute for Children

Cardiac Kids


CHD Links

March of Dimes: Congenital Heart Defects

Leading Categories of Birth Defects ~ Congenital Heart Defects are 1 in every 115 births

Congenital Heart Disease General Issues

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