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To Holden's School Scrapbook

Thank you for visiting Holden's school page... Holden's brief experience with school was a fun one. I wanted to share with everyone his experience and some of the fun times he enjoyed. These times were some of the experiences that made his life as fun and as rich as what is was in the short time he had here on this earth. I think he also enriched the other children that he was able to touch at school... I thank all of the people at the Granite School District Special Education System that worked with Holden... 


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Holden Mykel Ramos

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He loved to be the classroom helper, or the line leader

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Holden in Miss Ginny's preschool socialization program.

He was 3

Magna Recreation Center

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Some notes from his teachers

It was a wonderful experience having Holden enrolled in my classroom. He was a
bright and intelligent boy. The minute he would walk through the door he would
say "guess what or you know what?" He also had something interesting or funny to
say. He was a good friend to all of the children. I will always remember his
funny thoughts and comments. He loved bringing in his show and tell. I will
always remember his dinosaur high tops and overalls. I ask him if he would give
me his high tops and he would say "go and buy your own". He was very imaginative
during free play and was always a leader in the group. He grew so much during
his two years in preschool. I feel very blessed to have taught Holden. I will
miss his smiling face and cute personality. I know one day we will meet again.
Love, Sydney Milne

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Laura Warner - Bus Assistant
Holden always liked to be a line leader. He would race Jordan to the bus. He
always had to tell me about his show and tell. he loved dinosaurs and would
choose the mastodon to sing in our alligator pie song. He loved to play the
power rangers. He would always sing me a song when he would get on the bus, like
I've been working on the railroad. he would want to sing it in class. When we
would drop him off, he would hesitate at the largest puddle and then just splash
right through it. He would love to stomp through the highest snow pile. Holden
had the cutest smile. Whenever he had to go to time out for playing to rough, he
would duck his head and stick out his lower lip. I would have to turn my head to
keep from laughing. Holden was very warm and friendly especially with Devon and
Elizabeth. I know we will see him again someday.

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Sherry Allen -Aid
Holden was a precious child in our classroom. I feel very fortunate to have been
apart of his life. There are so many things I remember about Holden like his
cute little voice. Sometimes when I would explain an art project to the
children, he would say I know how to do that. He was such a joy to be around, I
miss him.

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Dinah -Aid
Holden always came in with a smile and had something to show us or share with
us. He could hardly wait to show his friends his show and tell. He always wanted
to do the calendar and count. He knew his numbers. He made us smile when we had
to stop him from doing something that he shouldn't be doing, but we couldn't let
him see. the classroom was happier because Holden was happy. I know I can see
him again and that will make me glad.

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A note from the children in Holden's class room
Jordan I liked to play with Holden at his house, and football, toys, cops, riding the
bus with Holden, and riding bikes. I liked the tree of Holden's.
Andrew I liked playing space ship with Holden
Jen I liked to play with Holden in the sand and water table
Austten I   liked to play ball with Holden
Linda I liked playing dinosaurs with Holden
Mary I liked to play house with Holden
Jeremy I liked to play in the house with Holden
Ben I liked playing dinosaurs and building castles
Hayden   I like to work in the boat with Holden.
Deven I liked to hold hands and play blocks with Holden.
I liked to play puzzles with Holden.
Keith I  liked cleaning up the toys with Holden.
Patricia I   liked to play puzzles with Holden
Samuel I   liked to play house with Holden.
Derick I liked playing blocks with Holden.
Brenda I liked playing school with Holden.
Elizabeth Holden was always good to hold my hand and help me do things.
Chris I   liked to play trucks with Holden.
Ryan I liked to play whatever Holden liked to play.
Matt Holden and I loved to play dinosaur and up periscope.
Carrie I liked to play house with Holden.
Erik I liked playing with Carlos and Holden.
Kevin I   liked playing duplos with Holden.
Billy I liked to play bowling with Holden
Mashanda I  liked playing "babies" with Holden.
I  liked to play monsters with Holden.
Ashley  I liked to ride on the bus with Holden.

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Holden and Jordan would race to see who could get onto the bus first. Holden would watch for the bus coming down the road and then he would run as fast as he could to get there first. If Jordan got on the bus first, then Holden would be upset and he would run around the yard and I would have to catch him and get him on the bus.



Some of Holden's masterpieces

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I love this piece ~

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Holden's Self Expression Picture 1-17-96

BIG, BIG Smiles!!


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I dreamed I stood in a studio
And watched two sculpters there.
The clay they used was a young child's mind.
And they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher, the tools he used
Were books and music and art.
One a parent a guiding hand.
And a gentle loving heart.
Day after day the teacher toiled,
With touch that was deft and sure.
While the parent labored by his side,
And polished and smoothed it o'er.
And when at last their task was done,
They were proud of what they had wrought
For the things they had molded into the child
Could neither be sold nor bought.
And each agreed he would have failed
If he had worked alone.
For behind the parent stood the school,
And behind the teacher the home

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Some pictures of Holden and his classmates


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Holden and Matt

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Holden's Special Ed Preschool Class

Lakeridge Elementary, Magna, Utah


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The End!

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