Welcome to
Holden's Hope.
We hope to use this
website to show the ways that we have helped other in simple ways in
memory of Holden Mykel Ramos. If having had him has taught us
anything, it is the power of love and how fast life can be taken
away from any of us at the blink of an eye. As a result of lessons
taught by a little four year old boy, we have been blessed beyond
measure to know what is truly important in life. Love never dies,
and we intend to share our love in as many ways as possible.
In the past, we
have done things anonymously in the hopes that we have touched
others. Since our loss, and over the years, we find it more
important to talk of ways that we have helped others, so maybe in
the event this page touches anyone else, they can also pay it
forward. That is not the intention of this site, rather it is a
personal goal set by Holden's family. But if others thought of love,
not violence, the world would be a much better place. All because of
one beautiful little boy.

In memory of Holden-
we made a donation
to the Seal Family who lost two sons

Jayden and Levi Seal
in a fast
flood on August 1, 2006,
to make your own
donations, please do so here:
Washington Federal Savings
308 East Main
Price, UT 84501

Utah Humane Society
4242 SOUTH 300
MURRAY, UT 84107
PHONE: (801) 261-2919

Click HERE
to get upcoming information on animal torture legislation and how you
can help.

The Juvenile Diabetes Association
Trolley Square Shooting Victims
Jr. Achievement
are so many organizations in desperate need of help.
give non sparingly.